Effect of Coronavirus on Pharma Industry
Effect of Coronavirus on Pharma Industry- As there is a new epidemic of coronavirus that spreads a catastrophe around the world, virtually there is no country that has been spared from the harmful effects of the virus. There is only one industry that has been surviving, i.e. Pharmaceutical industry which is having an excellent business opportunity with the birth of coronavirus. This is because, the world requires pharmaceutical products, treatments, and vacancies, and almost all of the population is dependent on them. There are dozens of companies that are now vying to make the products to control the Covid-19. It has proved that worst the pandemic gets, the higher the pharma profit. This huge rat race of the demand for the products will create havoc if not taken seriously. In this article, we will see the effects of coronavirus especially on the Indian pharmaceutical industry which is a large sector to undergo with the circumstances. Being China, the hub of the major supplies o...